Inherits: GeometryInstance < VisualInstance < CullInstance < Spatial < Node < Object
Inherited By: AnimatedSprite3D, Sprite3D
2D sprite node in 3D environment.
A node that displays 2D texture information in a 3D environment.
Vector3.Axis |
generate_triangle_mesh ( ) const |
get_draw_flag ( DrawFlags flag ) const |
get_item_rect ( ) const |
void |
set_draw_flag ( DrawFlags flag, bool enabled ) |
enum DrawFlags:
If set, the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the sprite invisible.
DrawFlags FLAG_SHADED = 1
If set, lights in the environment affect the sprite.
If set, texture can be seen from the back as well, if not, it is invisible when looking at it from behind.
Disables the depth test, so this object is drawn on top of all others. However, objects drawn after it in the draw order may cover it.
Sprite is scaled by depth so that it always appears the same size on screen.
DrawFlags FLAG_MAX = 5
Represents the size of the DrawFlags enum.
enum AlphaCutMode:
Property Descriptions¶
AlphaCutMode alpha_cut = 0
void set_alpha_cut_mode ( AlphaCutMode value )
AlphaCutMode get_alpha_cut_mode ( )
There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!
Vector3.Axis axis = 2
void set_axis ( Vector3.Axis value )
Vector3.Axis get_axis ( )
The direction in which the front of the texture faces.
BillboardMode billboard = 0
void set_billboard_mode ( BillboardMode value )
BillboardMode get_billboard_mode ( )
There is currently no description for this property. Please help us by contributing one!
bool centered = true
If true
, texture will be centered.
bool double_sided = true
If true
, texture can be seen from the back as well, if false
, it is invisible when looking at it from behind.
bool fixed_size = false
If true
, the label is rendered at the same size regardless of distance.
bool flip_h = false
If true
, texture is flipped horizontally.
bool flip_v = false
If true
, texture is flipped vertically.
Color modulate = Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
A color value used to multiply the texture's colors. Can be used for mood-coloring or to simulate the color of light.
Note: If a GeometryInstance.material_override is defined on the SpriteBase3D, the material override must be configured to take vertex colors into account for albedo. Otherwise, the color defined in modulate will be ignored. For a SpatialMaterial, Material3D.vertex_color_use_as_albedo must be true
. For a ShaderMaterial, ALBEDO *= COLOR.rgb;
must be inserted in the shader's fragment()
bool no_depth_test = false
If true
, depth testing is disabled and the object will be drawn in render order.
Vector2 offset = Vector2( 0, 0 )
The texture's drawing offset.
float opacity = 1.0
The texture's visibility on a scale from 0
(fully invisible) to 1
(fully visible). opacity is a multiplier for the modulate color's alpha channel.
Note: If a GeometryInstance.material_override is defined on the SpriteBase3D, the material override must be configured to take vertex colors into account for albedo. Otherwise, the opacity defined in opacity will be ignored. For a SpatialMaterial, Material3D.vertex_color_use_as_albedo must be true
. For a ShaderMaterial, ALPHA *= COLOR.a;
must be inserted in the shader's fragment()
float pixel_size = 0.01
The size of one pixel's width on the sprite to scale it in 3D.
int render_priority = 0
Sets the render priority for the sprite. Higher priority objects will be sorted in front of lower priority objects.
Note: This only applies if alpha_cut is set to ALPHA_CUT_DISABLED (default value).
Note: This only applies to sorting of transparent objects. This will not impact how transparent objects are sorted relative to opaque objects. This is because opaque objects are not sorted, while transparent objects are sorted from back to front (subject to priority).
bool shaded = false
If true
, the Light in the Environment has effects on the sprite.
bool transparent = true
If true
, the texture's transparency and the opacity are used to make those parts of the sprite invisible.
Method Descriptions¶
TriangleMesh generate_triangle_mesh ( ) const
There is currently no description for this method. Please help us by contributing one!
bool get_draw_flag ( DrawFlags flag ) const
Returns the value of the specified flag.
Rect2 get_item_rect ( ) const
Returns the rectangle representing this sprite.
void set_draw_flag ( DrawFlags flag, bool enabled )
If true
, the specified flag will be enabled.