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Inherits: EditorExportPlatformPC < EditorExportPlatform < RefCounted < Object
Exporter for Windows.
The Windows exporter customizes how a Windows build is handled. In the editor's "Export" window, it is created when adding a new "Windows" preset.
Property Descriptions
String application/company_name 🔗
Company that produced the application. Required. See StringFileInfo.
String application/console_wrapper_icon 🔗
Console wrapper icon file. If left empty, it will fallback to application/icon, then to ProjectSettings.application/config/windows_native_icon, and lastly, ProjectSettings.application/config/icon.
String application/copyright 🔗
Copyright notice for the bundle visible to the user. Optional. See StringFileInfo.
bool application/d3d12_agility_sdk_multiarch 🔗
If true
, and application/export_d3d12 is set, the Agility SDK DLLs will be stored in arch-specific subdirectories.
int application/export_angle 🔗
If set to 1
, ANGLE libraries are exported with the exported application. If set to 0
, ANGLE libraries are exported only if ProjectSettings.rendering/gl_compatibility/driver is set to "opengl3_angle"
int application/export_d3d12 🔗
If set to 1
, the Direct3D 12 runtime libraries (Agility SDK, PIX) are exported with the exported application. If set to 0
, Direct3D 12 libraries are exported only if ProjectSettings.rendering/rendering_device/driver is set to "d3d12"
String application/file_description 🔗
File description to be presented to users. Required. See StringFileInfo.
String application/file_version 🔗
Version number of the file. Falls back to ProjectSettings.application/config/version if left empty. See StringFileInfo.
Application icon file. If left empty, it will fallback to ProjectSettings.application/config/windows_native_icon, and then to ProjectSettings.application/config/icon.
int application/icon_interpolation 🔗
Interpolation method used to resize application icon.
bool application/modify_resources 🔗
If enabled, icon and metadata of the exported executable is set according to the other application/*
String application/product_name 🔗
Name of the application. Required. See StringFileInfo.
String application/product_version 🔗
Application version visible to the user. Falls back to ProjectSettings.application/config/version if left empty. See StringFileInfo.
String application/trademarks 🔗
Trademarks and registered trademarks that apply to the file. Optional. See StringFileInfo.
String binary_format/architecture 🔗
Application executable architecture.
Supported architectures: x86_32
, x86_64
, and arm64
Official export templates include x86_32
and x86_64
binaries only.
bool binary_format/embed_pck 🔗
If true
, project resources are embedded into the executable.
PackedStringArray codesign/custom_options 🔗
Array of the additional command line arguments passed to the code signing tool. See Sign Tool.
Note: The returned array is copied and any changes to it will not update the original property value. See PackedStringArray for more details.
Description of the signed content. See Sign Tool.
int codesign/digest_algorithm 🔗
Digest algorithm to use for creating signature. See Sign Tool.
If true
, executable signing is enabled.
PKCS #12 certificate file used to sign executable or certificate SHA-1 hash (if codesign/identity_type is set to "Use certificate store"). See Sign Tool.
Can be overridden with the environment variable GODOT_WINDOWS_CODESIGN_IDENTITY
Type of identity to use. See Sign Tool.
Can be overridden with the environment variable GODOT_WINDOWS_CODESIGN_IDENTITY_TYPE
Password for the certificate file used to sign executable. See Sign Tool.
Can be overridden with the environment variable GODOT_WINDOWS_CODESIGN_PASSWORD
If true
, time-stamp is added to the signature. See Sign Tool.
String codesign/timestamp_server_url 🔗
URL of the time stamp server. If left empty, the default server is used. See Sign Tool.
String custom_template/debug 🔗
Path to the custom export template. If left empty, default template is used.
String custom_template/release 🔗
Path to the custom export template. If left empty, default template is used.
int debug/export_console_wrapper 🔗
If true
, a console wrapper executable is exported alongside the main executable, which allows running the project with enabled console output.
String ssh_remote_deploy/cleanup_script 🔗
Script code to execute on the remote host when app is finished.
The following variables can be used in the script:
- Path of temporary folder on the remote, used to upload app and scripts to.{archive_name}
- Name of the ZIP containing uploaded application.{exe_name}
- Name of application executable.{cmd_args}
- Array of the command line argument for the application.
bool ssh_remote_deploy/enabled 🔗
Enables remote deploy using SSH/SCP.
String ssh_remote_deploy/extra_args_scp 🔗
Array of the additional command line arguments passed to the SCP.
String ssh_remote_deploy/extra_args_ssh 🔗
Array of the additional command line arguments passed to the SSH.
String ssh_remote_deploy/host 🔗
Remote host SSH user name and address, in user@address
String ssh_remote_deploy/port 🔗
Remote host SSH port number.
String ssh_remote_deploy/run_script 🔗
Script code to execute on the remote host when running the app.
The following variables can be used in the script:
- Path of temporary folder on the remote, used to upload app and scripts to.{archive_name}
- Name of the ZIP containing uploaded application.{exe_name}
- Name of application executable.{cmd_args}
- Array of the command line argument for the application.
bool texture_format/etc2_astc 🔗
If true
, project textures are exported in the ETC2/ASTC format.
bool texture_format/s3tc_bptc 🔗
If true
, project textures are exported in the S3TC/BPTC format.