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Editor introduction
In this section, we cover the Redot editor in general, from its interface to using it with the command line.
Editor's interface
The following pages explain how to use the various windows, workspaces, and docks that make up the Redot editor. We cover some specific editors' interface in other sections where appropriate. For example, the animation editor.
Android editor
Redot offers a native port of the editor running entirely on Android devices. The Android port can be downloaded from the Android Downloads page. While we strive for feature parity with the Desktop version of the editor, the Android port has a certain amount of caveats you should be aware of.
Web editor
Redot offers an HTML5 version of the editor running entirely in your browser. No download is required to use it, but it has a certain amount of caveats you should be aware of.
Advanced features
The articles below focus on advanced features useful for experienced developers, such as calling Redot from the command line and using an external text editor like Visual Studio Code or Emacs.
Managing editor features
Redot allows you to remove features from the editor. This may be useful if you're an educator trying to ease students into the editor slowly, or if you're working on a project that's only 2D or only 3D and don't want to see what you don't need.