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Inherits: RefCounted < Object
Plugin for adding custom converters from one resource format to another in the editor resource picker context menu; for example, converting a StandardMaterial3D to a ShaderMaterial.
EditorResourceConversionPlugin is invoked when the context menu is brought up for a resource in the editor inspector. Relevant conversion plugins will appear as menu options to convert the given resource to a target type.
Below shows an example of a basic plugin that will convert an ImageTexture to a PortableCompressedTexture2D.
extends EditorResourceConversionPlugin
func _handles(resource: Resource):
return resource is ImageTexture
func _converts_to():
return "PortableCompressedTexture2D"
func _convert(itex: Resource):
var ptex = PortableCompressedTexture2D.new()
ptex.create_from_image(itex.get_image(), PortableCompressedTexture2D.COMPRESSION_MODE_LOSSLESS)
return ptex
To use an EditorResourceConversionPlugin, register it using the EditorPlugin.add_resource_conversion_plugin method first.
Method Descriptions
Resource _convert(resource: Resource) virtual const 🔗
Takes an input Resource and converts it to the type given in _converts_to. The returned Resource is the result of the conversion, and the input Resource remains unchanged.
String _converts_to() virtual const 🔗
Returns the class name of the target type of Resource that this plugin converts source resources to.
bool _handles(resource: Resource) virtual const 🔗
Called to determine whether a particular Resource can be converted to the target resource type by this plugin.