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Inherits: Resource < RefCounted < Object

Inherited By: CSharpScript, GDScript, ScriptExtension

A class stored as a resource.


A class stored as a resource. A script extends the functionality of all objects that instantiate it.

This is the base class for all scripts and should not be used directly. Trying to create a new script with this class will result in an error.

The new method of a script subclass creates a new instance. Object.set_script extends an existing object, if that object's class matches one of the script's base classes.




Property Descriptions

String source_code 🔗

  • void set_source_code(value: String)

  • String get_source_code()

The script source code or an empty string if source code is not available. When set, does not reload the class implementation automatically.

Method Descriptions

bool can_instantiate() const 🔗

Returns true if the script can be instantiated.

Script get_base_script() const 🔗

Returns the script directly inherited by this script.

StringName get_global_name() const 🔗

Returns the class name associated with the script, if there is one. Returns an empty string otherwise.

To give the script a global name, you can use the class_name keyword in GDScript and the [GlobalClass] attribute in C#.

class_name MyNode
extends Node

StringName get_instance_base_type() const 🔗

Returns the script's base type.

Variant get_property_default_value(property: StringName) 🔗

Returns the default value of the specified property.

Dictionary get_script_constant_map() 🔗

Returns a dictionary containing constant names and their values.

Array[Dictionary] get_script_method_list() 🔗

Returns the list of methods in this Script.

Array[Dictionary] get_script_property_list() 🔗

Returns the list of properties in this Script.

Array[Dictionary] get_script_signal_list() 🔗

Returns the list of user signals defined in this Script.

bool has_script_signal(signal_name: StringName) const 🔗

Returns true if the script, or a base class, defines a signal with the given name.

bool has_source_code() const 🔗

Returns true if the script contains non-empty source code.

Note: If a script does not have source code, this does not mean that it is invalid or unusable. For example, a GDScript that was exported with binary tokenization has no source code, but still behaves as expected and could be instantiated. This can be checked with can_instantiate.

bool instance_has(base_object: Object) const 🔗

Returns true if base_object is an instance of this script.

bool is_abstract() const 🔗

Returns true if the script is an abstract script. An abstract script does not have a constructor and cannot be instantiated.

bool is_tool() const 🔗

Returns true if the script is a tool script. A tool script can run in the editor.

Error reload(keep_state: bool = false) 🔗

Reloads the script's class implementation. Returns an error code.